We offer Electrical Service in Centerville, Ohio.
Electrical Services
Hundreds and even thousands of individual components in today’s vehicles rely on a constant supply of electricity from your car’s charging system, mainly the alternator. Centerville Automotive has the tools and know-how to diagnose even the most elusive problem you may be experiencing.
A typical car battery lasts anywhere from three to six years depending on use, construction and routine maintenance performed. The battery should be tested annually, preferably in the fall before the temperature drops too much. The first sign of a failing battery is poor cold weather performance. If the battery struggles to start your vehicle on a cold morning, you should have your battery tested immediately. In many cases your battery may fail with little or no warning. The cold winter months are particularly tough on batteries.
Centerville Automotive has all the tools and training necessary to properly test your battery. Should you need a new one, we can typically install it in the same time it takes to change your oil.

Battery Installation

“We love Centerville Automotive! They are honest, reliable, friendly, and do excellent work for very reasonable prices. Car maintenance and repairs are never fun – but the team here makes it a good experience. Being able to trust them makes such a huge difference. Highly recommend!”
– Erin

Battery Construction
Automotive Repair Services
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